Hatteras Book Club
Michelle Lord, Branch Manager
57689 N.C. Highway 12
Hatteras, NC 27943
Kill Devil Hills Book Club
Theresa Cozart, Adult Services Librarian
400 Mustian Street
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Manteo Book Club
Sophie Bennewitz, Branch Manager
700 Highway 64/264
P.O. Box 1000
Manteo, NC 27954
Here you will find information about our Manteo, Kill Devil Hills, and Hatteras Book Clubs. You can also find resources for your own book clubs, Book Club in a Bag kits, interviews with authors, and much more.
Ask about available copies of these titles at your library.
March 11th- Kill Devil Hills Library - The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride
March 13th- Manteo Library - The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
March 21st - Hatteras Library - Where Butterflies Wander by Suzanne Redfearn