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The Flight Girls by Noelle Salazar

1941. Audrey Coltrane has always wanted to fly. It’s why she implored her father to teach her at the little airfield back home in Texas. It’s why she signed up to train military pilots in Hawaii when the war in Europe began. And it’s why she insists she is not interested in any dream-derailing romantic involvements, even with the disarming Lieutenant James Hart, who fast becomes a friend as treasured as the women she flies with. Then one fateful day, she gets caught in the air over Pearl Harbor just as the bombs begin to fall, and suddenly, nowhere feels safe.

To make everything she’s lost count for something, Audrey joins the Women Airforce Service Pilots program. The bonds she forms with her fellow pilots reignite a spark of hope in the face war, and—when James goes missing in action—give Audrey the strength to cross the front lines and fight not only for her country, but for the love she holds so dear.

Discussion Questions

  1. Did you know about the Women Airforce Service Pilots before reading the book? Share any tidbits you know that weren’t illuminated in the novel.
  2. The novel follows Audrey from the beginning of the war until the end. Which part of what she saw and endured was most interesting to you? Why?
  3. What did you think about Lieutenant Hart? Did you ever doubt his feelings for Audrey? Why do you think she struggled so much, even knowing the trauma he must be facing?
  4. Who was your favorite WASP besides Audrey in the book?
  5. Did it surprise you to see such a varied cast of WASP? Did you have a certain image of the type of woman who would risk her life flying in the 1940s before you read the novel?
  6. As the war slowed and men returned home, the WASP were disbanded to free up jobs for men. Given little recognition or direction, many women returned home to start families. How did you feel about the way the WASP were treated? Do you think, given the times, it could have gone any differently?
  7. What did you think of Officer Wilson? Did you ever think Audrey really liked him? What good characteristics did he have, if any?
  8. Despite questioning James’ feelings for her for so long, Audrey decides to travel to Paris soon after the war ends to look for him. Were you surprised that she would put herself in such danger and leave her airfield behind?
  9. Do you know of any other little known war efforts spearheaded by women? Discuss some and any novels you might have read on the topics.
  10. How did this compare to other WWII novels you’ve read? Did you enjoy reading a story about women who served in the war?

From Book Club Bites